She shall be called woman….

Dear Ladies & Gentlemen,


Of late I have been thinking a lot about of who I am as a woman created by God. This is borne from my many interactions with outstanding women. Not for their fame, beauty, education or riches, but for their ability to keep rising up in the face of great misfortune. As women we are balancing so many roles, mother, wife, sister, friend, colleague, mentor, provider, and confidant. Yet despite the heavy responsibilities we manage to keep a level head and more often than not maintain a smile.

The Silent Victor:

A few years ago I wrote the book “The Silent Victor.” In it I poured out the lives of women who had “Special” Children. Their journey bearing and caring for this special an beautiful children led them through lonely and painful paths. One of these ladies was a dear sister “Glorine”, who has since passed away from breast cancer. Interestingly, I never added her story in the book even though she is the one who allowed me to encounter the special women in the book I wrote. Her courage, strength and unwavering faith was so infectious. But again her story is for another day. Back to the woman in each one of us.


The Silent Victor is each woman who keeps getting up each morning even when there is nothing to wake up to . Recognizing women who will never be known or appreciated. My heart goes out of each of you and I just want to tell you that you are special and even though you may not be well-known, your footprints are in the lives of those you take care of everyday and will live on for generations to come. The other day, we read about the woman who was cooking stones for her 8 children to keep the hope of having a meal alive. In reality she didn’t really have anything to feed her children but she still prepared what she could. Many women like her, some who are reading this article, have perhaps gone through more difficult circumstances and come through victors. Women who have gone through these moments with tears and a lot of anxiety but have remained strong.

Your creator:

You could be diagnosed with a terminal illness. Your husband may have walked out on you. You may have just lost your loved one. You many have lost your means of livelihood. Your world may be falling apart around you. You are no alone. Your creator is with you in every circumstance. In His letter to you he says ” 1Now this is what the LORD says—He who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine! 2When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you go through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, and the flames will not set you ablaze.

My experience:

God has had my back many times over. In my most difficult moments, in that quiet place I have found an intimate friend. My friend reveals to me each day who He created me to be. Take time to listen to the podcast, it is really eye opening.

Have a blessed week.

Listen to the Podcat: