She shall be called woman….

Dear Ladies & Gentlemen,


Of late I have been thinking a lot about of who I am as a woman created by God. This is borne from my many interactions with outstanding women. Not for their fame, beauty, education or riches, but for their ability to keep rising up in the face of great misfortune. As women we are balancing so many roles, mother, wife, sister, friend, colleague, mentor, provider, and confidant. Yet despite the heavy responsibilities we manage to keep a level head and more often than not maintain a smile.

The Silent Victor:

A few years ago I wrote the book “The Silent Victor.” In it I poured out the lives of women who had “Special” Children. Their journey bearing and caring for this special an beautiful children led them through lonely and painful paths. One of these ladies was a dear sister “Glorine”, who has since passed away from breast cancer. Interestingly, I never added her story in the book even though she is the one who allowed me to encounter the special women in the book I wrote. Her courage, strength and unwavering faith was so infectious. But again her story is for another day. Back to the woman in each one of us.


The Silent Victor is each woman who keeps getting up each morning even when there is nothing to wake up to . Recognizing women who will never be known or appreciated. My heart goes out of each of you and I just want to tell you that you are special and even though you may not be well-known, your footprints are in the lives of those you take care of everyday and will live on for generations to come. The other day, we read about the woman who was cooking stones for her 8 children to keep the hope of having a meal alive. In reality she didn’t really have anything to feed her children but she still prepared what she could. Many women like her, some who are reading this article, have perhaps gone through more difficult circumstances and come through victors. Women who have gone through these moments with tears and a lot of anxiety but have remained strong.

Your creator:

You could be diagnosed with a terminal illness. Your husband may have walked out on you. You may have just lost your loved one. You many have lost your means of livelihood. Your world may be falling apart around you. You are no alone. Your creator is with you in every circumstance. In His letter to you he says ” 1Now this is what the LORD says—He who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine! 2When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you go through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, and the flames will not set you ablaze.

My experience:

God has had my back many times over. In my most difficult moments, in that quiet place I have found an intimate friend. My friend reveals to me each day who He created me to be. Take time to listen to the podcast, it is really eye opening.

Have a blessed week.

Listen to the Podcat:

And God said, Let us make man ….

God created man. Whenever I look at the book of Genesis 1:26 I try to imagine what was in God’s mind when he says “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” I can imagine the love the drove the action of uniting with, His son & the Holy Spirit in the creation of man. It was very different from all other creatures earlier created.

God has got the whole world in His hands and how small does our hand look when compared the hand that created us.
“”>skalekar1992</a> from <a href=”

In the Beginning:

In the beginning, when there was a blank canvas. God whose name is Alfa and Omega – (the beginning and the end) invited His partners in the creation of man. He had a purpose for creating man. God looked from where he stood as the beginning and looked down into the end of time. Then God said, let us make man in our own image; after His likeness.

God Creates Man:

God had in his mind the purpose for which He created man. He got on His knees and used His hands to create a being like himself. Just the thought that he got on His knees warms my heart. For every other creature God spoke and it was. But for man He worked with his own hands to produce the perfect being. God is himself perfection. When you look at the works of art in nature around us it reveals to us God’s power. He spoke to life the animate and inanimate things around us and they came to life. You are special enough for the King of Kings to go down on His knees and make His hands dirty. You are special…..

Only the creator knows the true function of his creation:

A machine’s use is determined by the manufacturer; he alone knows the purpose for which he creates it. Anytime an inventor gets to work he looks at the gap in the market for his product. After this he does an extensive research. Then he goes ahead to put together a machine that will meet the need in the market. One cannot use a washing machine to clean the house or use an iron to sweep the floor. These machines are not equipped to carryout these functions. Their functions are very specific.

Read the manual:

Whenever we purchase a machine it comes with a manual. You know that little document that is folded into the box or container that carries the machine. In it, we are given it’s functionalities; the Dos and the Don’t s. The document contains how to use the machine in order to achieve best results and ensure it last long. A glance at these instructions give detailed guidelines on everything relating to the machine and comes in several languages. The manufacturer understands the importance of the end user understanding everything about the machine; and should the user not follow the instructions the manufacture is not held responsible. That piece of paper in the machine that many of us never read is important. Never assume you know how the machine works, read the instructions before you use the machine.

Each one of us is beautiful:

As a christian, you and I have been created for a specific purpose. We too come with a set of instructions – that is the bible. Our creator took time to come up with a perfect you. Yes perfect you, even if you cannot see perfection; or even if others tell you otherwise. Psalms 139:14 says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Yes even with the things you do not like about yourself – your are beautiful; the one who created you is not in the business of creating junk. Many times we forget who we are in Christ and value ourselves based on what others say about us. And quite frankly we do not feel valuable.

When we go back to our manual, we find out; who we are, why we are here and where we are going. It has nothing to do with those around us; and everything to do with the one who created us. Join me in the next few weeks, as we dig into the word of God to find out; our purpose, our responsibility and our destiny. Have a blessed week.

The Bent Back. Healside’s Story.


Healside’s story is pegged on the fact that change in life is constant and inevitable. Change is according to Merriam-Webster dictionary is an intransitive verb meaning to become different or to undergo transformation, transition, or substitution . Healside is born out of the philosophy of “The Bent Back.” A quote from Martin Luther King Junior says “Change does not roll-in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.

Healside’s story:

Healside’s story is born out of real life struggles; many of us go through so many struggles each day. And now with Covid-19 there are many of us who have lost our loved ones; many who are unwell; several others who have lost their jobs and livelihood; others who have nowhere to call home and still many more who have no food to eat. These are real struggles that only those who are in these shoes can feel and experience.

My Journey:

My journey has had its ups and downs and in all seasons. I have had to have a straight back in order to go through it all. You are either going into a storm, in a storm or coming out of a storm – so the straightened back applies to all of us. Without God on my side I would have been consumed by the challenges I went through. He became my anchor, my rock and that unseen hand that lead me through life’s struggles. I am just coming out of a storm – as I lost a dear sister about a year ago – I have had to straighten one more time to get to where I am. I am sure this is not the last storm because as long as we are in this side of heaven we will go through challenges.

The bent back:

Now my back is bent – bent to carry any one who needs someone to help them better cope with their difficult seasons. My back is bent in Healside Podcast – which creates a platform to give that spiritual guidance in times of trouble. At the Healside we point to Jesus Christ. He alone will provide the strength and the power to hold you through even the darkest days of your life. Healside reaches out to partner with those who have bent backs to help other and those who need the bent backs to help them in their time of need.


I have 5 lessons that I have learnt shared on the Podcast. Kindly,listen and share. Reach out to us and let us know if you have a bent back or you need a bent back. Thanks God bless.

Listen to the Podcast:

If God is with us, Why….

God is here. Even with COVID-19 all around us. The disease that originated in Wuhan, China has taken the life of so thousands all over the world; many more are hospitalized fighting for their lives. It has not stopped moving, every day many more new cases are being discovered. In Kenya to date are 31 confirmed cases have been found, with many more under quarantine.

It is darkest just before dawn.

“″>My pictures are CC0. When doing composings:</a> from <a href=”″>Pixabayhttp://Image by <a href=””>My pictures are CC0. When doing composings:</a> from <a href=”https:/

In the darkness:

For me its alot like walking through a dark forest, filled with doom, dread and despondency. If i keep my eyes on the path, each step i take opens enough light for only the next step. I really would want to be able to see so much ahead of me to allow me to get the confidence of knowing i will reach the end of the path. But it’s never like that is it.

The unknown:

My deepest fear is the unknown really. I have made peace with alot of things pertaining to my life. I know that each day is a gift. I live it to the fullest. Its not really about me, its about my loved ones. The facts of the disease say they target those who are vulnerable. And I do know quite number of vulnerable people close to my heart. They say the aged i.e the senior citizens and those with underlying health conditions. The list keeps growing when i really think about it.

Live your life to its fullest:

Mitch Albom said”You cannot live until you learn to die.” I know you are wondering who is that . What is important is the philosophy behind it – I live my life to its fullest each day because i have learnt to die. But that’s not what i really want to share – to those who are bereaved my deepest condolences I cannot imagine what you are going through and i sincerely pray from the bottom of my heart that God will comfort each of you in this difficult time.


For the many battling the disease, I am praying for you each day – I do not know you all but even if I don’t there’s a prayer item for all of you. For those who are anxious and apprehensive about the future by faith in our Lord and Saviour we will walk through it. For all of us, lets not miss the lessons in this season – it could really be a waste if we do not learn anything during this difficult season.

If God is with us, why:

I know you are about to ask if He is with us then why? Why is all this happening or why are people dying? Why are people sick and more new cases being discovered each day? My take as a christian is this – can we learn from other people in the past that went through similar circumstances and understand what we are going through?

Gideon encounters God:

I turn to Judges 6 – the children of Israel have once more turned their backs on God. Despite the fact that He delivered them out of the hands of Pharaoh. In turn God delivers them into the hands of the Midianites and the Amorites for 7 years. The israelites take cover for in the caves, clefts and strongholds. Do you know why? It was because the Midianites took everything they had; their crops, their cattle, sheep and oxen. Then verse 13 says “Pardon me, my lord.” Gideon replied, “but if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our ancestors told us about when they said, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up out of Egypt?’ But now the Lord has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian.”

Is God really still here?

Do we not just think that just now? Where is God? Well he is here – could it be we who moved? But he is still willing to hear and answer us – he called Gideon a man who was from a minority clan and also from the least in his clan – he was sent to deliver the children of Israel. He did is scared and at midnight. He was brave you know – bravery is doing it even when scared. So today have faith that Jehovah Shalom – The Lord Peace will come and he will speak peace and his peace is not as the world gives it.

God is here – in the midst of all the chaos – and we will see us through the darkness until we come through the storm. But remember learn your lessons – apply the lessons. When all is said and done the Lord is God.

Listen to the Podcast: