A Prayer For All Mothers.

Image by Juanita Mulder from Pixabay

My Prayer:

As I went on my knees today, I whispered a prayer for each of you. My prayer went like this:

Waiting Mothers;

Lord, I would like to start with the waiting mothers. You know them all by name, as you have their names written in the palm of your hand. Many times before dear Lord, you opened the wombs of waiting women. Remember Sarah, Rachel, Hannah & Elizabeth. Place in the wombs of these beautiful women, children who will change the cause of this world history. As you did with the women who waited before.

Expectant Mothers:

I bring to you Lord, the expectant mothers. For some its their first pregnancy, while for others it’s not. Lord give both mother and unborn child good health. Speak peace to the anxious hearts and teach them how to prepare well for the special gifts. Go ahead my Lord, to the day of their delivery and put in place everything for there to be a safe delivery.

Young Mothers:

I remember now the young mothers, for Lord you know I have also been one. Please give them wisdom, strength, courage and a calm spirit to raise children who will bear seeds of righteousness. Keep the mothers healthy and strong. Give these young mothers endurance and perseverance for you know Lord the challenges each one of them faces.

Mothers of Special Children:

I have a really special prayer for all the mothers with really special children. These are the apple of your eye Lord. For you know the rejection and hardship they bear. Please give them a double portion of your favour, you know how much they need it. Pour you abundant provisions into their big hearts to continue powering them through each day. Hold them close dear Lord, they need you every second of their day.

Mother’s who have lost their husbands:

I lift up the mothers who have lost their husbands dear Master. You are the husband to the widows Lord. Take your place by their side and give them courage, protection and joy. Be the source of their provision Lord. May they lack no good thing. Put a hedge of fire around about them.

Mother’s who have lost their children:

Into your hands dear Lord, I place the mothers that have lost their children. Send your Holy Spirit to comfort with them and wipe away their tears. May they be comforted today. Place into their hearts the hope of the new heaven and the new earth.

Single Mothers:

I place before you the single mothers. You alone understand their struggles and heartaches. Give them each day their daily bread and shield them from all evil with your righteous right hand. Help them grow their faith in you as their source of everything.

Aged Mothers:

I have one more special group of mothers Lord, these are the aged. Lord provide for them helpers to take care of them. You know they are now feeble and cannot take care of themselves. Provide for them dear Lord, that they may lack no good thing. Protect them for incidences and accidents of any kind. Put your hedge of fire around them.

Prayers for All Mothers:

Lord as I come to end of my prayer today. I know all these mothers face the same challenges each day. Lord heal those who are sick. Comfort those who are bereaved. Embrace those who are neglected or abandoned. Provide for all the needs of these beautiful women. Strengthen their backs to overcome the challenges that may come their way. Draw them to continuously look up to you for all their needs.

Thank you for all our mothers:

Dear Lord thank you for each and every mother, remind each one today how precious they are. In Jesus Name I pray – Amen.

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