Walking in the rain


A proverb says it never rains but it pours. Life’s clouds will sometimes change and suddenly, the sun’s bright rays will be hidden behind the dark clouds and become heavy with rain.

Experiencing the Rain

Have you every experienced the rain? The New York Times dated 2nd August 2017 captured the experience so well ” Begin by watching the rain with openhearted curiosity, as a child might. Notice how rain forms droplets, streams and puddles. Observe how the raindrops dance and ripple on the surface of puddles. Notice how the light can change. Perhaps the sky darkens, or is brighter because the sun is reflecting on the surface of rainwater, perhaps producing a rainbow through the droplets in the air.

The Clouds are dark

In C. H. Spurgeon sermon on “Black clouds and bright blessings he says, “The clouds are black, they lower, they shut out the sunlight, they obscure the landscape.. Now, Christian, you too, are of a timid disposition and every now and then, your circumstances are not as you would like to arrange them. Losses come very closely, one upon another. Friend after friend forsakes you. Sickness treads upon the heel of sickness. All things seem to be against you, as against Jacob of old.

Expecting the rain

If the clouds were not black, you might not expect rain! If your afflictions were not grievous, they would not be profitable. If your adversities did not really pain and trouble you, they would not be blessed to you. But it is the very sharpness of it, the vinegar and gall, that is the medicine that produces the good effect.

God in the rain

Do not think that God deals roughly with His children and gives them needless pain. It grieves Him to grieve you! “He does not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men.” It is easy to have a faith that acts backwards, but a faith that will act forwards—a faith for the present and for the future is the true faith—and the faith that you need now.


The rain brings with it the bounties of heaven. Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. So if the rains begin to fall in your life, go ahead, take your walk you are not alone.

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