If God is with us, Why….

God is here. Even with COVID-19 all around us. The disease that originated in Wuhan, China has taken the life of so thousands all over the world; many more are hospitalized fighting for their lives. It has not stopped moving, every day many more new cases are being discovered. In Kenya to date are 31 confirmed cases have been found, with many more under quarantine.

It is darkest just before dawn.

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In the darkness:

For me its alot like walking through a dark forest, filled with doom, dread and despondency. If i keep my eyes on the path, each step i take opens enough light for only the next step. I really would want to be able to see so much ahead of me to allow me to get the confidence of knowing i will reach the end of the path. But it’s never like that is it.

The unknown:

My deepest fear is the unknown really. I have made peace with alot of things pertaining to my life. I know that each day is a gift. I live it to the fullest. Its not really about me, its about my loved ones. The facts of the disease say they target those who are vulnerable. And I do know quite number of vulnerable people close to my heart. They say the aged i.e the senior citizens and those with underlying health conditions. The list keeps growing when i really think about it.

Live your life to its fullest:

Mitch Albom said”You cannot live until you learn to die.” I know you are wondering who is that . What is important is the philosophy behind it – I live my life to its fullest each day because i have learnt to die. But that’s not what i really want to share – to those who are bereaved my deepest condolences I cannot imagine what you are going through and i sincerely pray from the bottom of my heart that God will comfort each of you in this difficult time.


For the many battling the disease, I am praying for you each day – I do not know you all but even if I don’t there’s a prayer item for all of you. For those who are anxious and apprehensive about the future by faith in our Lord and Saviour we will walk through it. For all of us, lets not miss the lessons in this season – it could really be a waste if we do not learn anything during this difficult season.

If God is with us, why:

I know you are about to ask if He is with us then why? Why is all this happening or why are people dying? Why are people sick and more new cases being discovered each day? My take as a christian is this – can we learn from other people in the past that went through similar circumstances and understand what we are going through?

Gideon encounters God:

I turn to Judges 6 – the children of Israel have once more turned their backs on God. Despite the fact that He delivered them out of the hands of Pharaoh. In turn God delivers them into the hands of the Midianites and the Amorites for 7 years. The israelites take cover for in the caves, clefts and strongholds. Do you know why? It was because the Midianites took everything they had; their crops, their cattle, sheep and oxen. Then verse 13 says “Pardon me, my lord.” Gideon replied, “but if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our ancestors told us about when they said, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up out of Egypt?’ But now the Lord has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian.”

Is God really still here?

Do we not just think that just now? Where is God? Well he is here – could it be we who moved? But he is still willing to hear and answer us – he called Gideon a man who was from a minority clan and also from the least in his clan – he was sent to deliver the children of Israel. He did is scared and at midnight. He was brave you know – bravery is doing it even when scared. So today have faith that Jehovah Shalom – The Lord Peace will come and he will speak peace and his peace is not as the world gives it.

God is here – in the midst of all the chaos – and we will see us through the darkness until we come through the storm. But remember learn your lessons – apply the lessons. When all is said and done the Lord is God.

Listen to the Podcast:


Lessons From Hannah_ Celebrating Women’s International day

Women of all races, backgrounds and culture experience similar challenges.

International Women’s Day:

The world celebrates the Women’s International Day on the 8th March 2020. A global day celebrating the social, cultural and political achievements of women. The day marks a call for accelerating gender disparity by promoting gender equality. For the church, it is a moment for women to learn about each other and pray for each other.

Are women their own worst enemy?

Often it’ said that women are their own worst enemy. And that, the one challenge women need to look out for is themselves.
Kelly Valen in her book The twisted sisterhood , she revealed that almost 90% of 3000 plus women who took part in her survey felt currents of meanness and negativity emanating from other females. It stated that almost 85% of those who took part in the survey admitted suffering serious life altering knocks at the hands of other women. The report was a wake-up call for women. Interestingly, Kelly experienced serious backlash from other women from the same. For me it’s a time to learn as women and a time to pray for each other.

The storyline:

The story of Hannah found in 1st Samuel chapter one and two . It leads us to look at life through the eyes of Hannah. A barren woman, with a jealous and spiteful co-wife. Listen to the podcast and join me and Emily as we dig out 6 life lessons from the life of Hannah.

Listen to the Podcast:


Love is on air.

Blinded by Love: Unequally Yoked Part 2 of 3


The Healside beckons again. Love is on air at HEALSIDE PODCAST. “Valentine’s Day” is here with us again. Love is close to each one’s heart and is an unconditional affection with no limits or conditions: completely loving someone. It’s when you trust the other with your life and when you would do anything for each other. When you love someone, you want nothing more than for them to be truly happy no matter what it takes, because that’s how much you care about them and because their needs come before your own. You hide nothing of yourself and can tell the other anything because you know they accept you just the way you are and vice versa.

How not to be unequally yoked:

My long time friend Rose Muyumbu joins me in this podcast; there’s never really a dull moment with Rose. We pick up from the 3 lessons learnt in the 1st part of the podcast uploaded about 2 weeks ago; they are 1. Do not compromise your values; 2. Do not use your senses as a primary source of choosing a life partner and 3. Do not linger i the wrong market and get familiar with the sights and sounds; these lessons are drawn from the life of Samson from the Book of Judges 14 to chapter 15 verse 8; ending with Samson on top of the rock of Etam. We discuss how young people can apply the 3 lessons in our own lives.

Signs that you are unequally yoked:

Are you unequally yoked? Well 3 signs being 1. You do not worship the same God; 2. You are not going in the same direction and 3. You do not agree on what to pursue. Being unequally yoked is a great problem in marriage today and each and every young person needs to take time to avoid being unequally yoked – in the podcast we discuss the red flags and how to avoid them.


Love makes the world go round and if we get into relationships with partners who have alot in common with us we will have easier and more fulfilling relationships. Take time to listen, feedback and share the podcast. God bless.

Listen to the podcast:


Blinded by Love: Unequally Yoked Part 1 of 3

Love a four letter word that makes the world go round.
“https://pixabay.com/users/Nietjuh-2218222/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=3061483”>Ylanite Koppens</a> from <a hr

Love is in the air….

We have uploaded the 2nd Podcast! This second podcast takes us through an exciting journey of a love story. The strongest Man in the world – Samson is the main character in this story.

Samson goes down to Timnah…..what he saw drove him to take a wife from the enemy’s territory. The focus is in Judges chapter 14 to Chapter 15 verse 8.

What started as a happy, exciting journey ends up with heartbreak, betrayal and destruction. We discover three signs that help us see if we are Unequally yoked. Listen and learn.

Listen to the Podcast:


The 38 Year Wait ……

Time is always ticking.


Waiting is not easy. If you have ever had to wait for something beyond you reach you know its a virtue that many do not have. But many times life has a way of pushing to you into the waiting room. Many of us do not like the waiting room experience. The experience is not for the faint hear-ted. Many times it all depends on how long you wait.

The Pool of Bethesda:

In John 5: 1- 9 we walk into the story of Jesus walking up to Jerusalem and are confronted with a large waiting room called Bethesda. It was crowded, with sick people with all kinds of sickness; all waiting for the moving of the water. Its funny how similar people always find each other. Think about the times you were going through very difficult times – who stuck with you; wasn’t it someone who had gone through a similar experience? For the sick at Bethesda they were all waiting for the “a certain time”. A time when an angel stirred up the water so that they could jump in and be made whole.

The Man’s sickness:

In this great multitude was a man (not named) who had been there 38 years! 38 Years is a lifetime for many of us. From verse 7 we deduce that this man was unable to move totally; and he had no man to put him in the pool. Lets pause here a little and imagine how the man got to 38 years. Being he couldn’t walk he was most probably brought there by friends or family. One person remained behind with him each day to ensure that when the angel stirred the water; he would push him into the water so he could be healed.


The man himself must have been so excited. He talked each day of the day he could walk and go back to his family. He dreamt of the joy of walking again; the freedom it gave, the dignity of taking care of himself and his loved ones again. This made his heart beat faster whenever he thought about his day of healing.

Time Past:

Days went by and the reality of how difficult it was to get into the pool first became a reality. Each time the water was stirred there was an obstacle that hindered him from getting in. Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months and finally to years. He watched many sick people get healed. His friends and family soon stopped coming, after realizing how hard it was to get the man into the pool. It needed time and patience which they did not have. In the years that flew passed his family and friends moved on with their lives. He often inquired about them from those who poured in daily with the hope of receiving their healing. The hope of getting healed was soon lost after the passing of many years. He became bitter and angry.

The dimming hope:

Even though he lay there at the pool of Bethesda still alive. He had died inside; of the hope of ever walking again. He had aged over the years. He had come young and full of energy but now his was thin and almost lifeless. Each day he relied on good Samaritans. Who shared with him the food they brought for their loved ones and rarely received any guests. He watched many sick people come to the porch with the same energy he had when he firs came. And he often pitied them – if only they knew how long he had been waiting.

The Savior sees him:

But the story takes another turn when Jesus comes to him. I like our Lord. The bible says in verse 6. “Jesus saw him lying there, and knew; that he already had been in that condition a long time.” I loved this verse. The Lord knew his circumstance and understood his frustrations. An our Lord came to Jerusalem passing through Bethesda for only him. He came for this one man in the multitude of the sick at the pool of Bethesda. When the man had given up depending on himself and depending on men; when he had given up hoping on all help – the Lord came.


Whatever your waiting room experience is today. No matter how long it has taken in the waiting room. The Lord knows your circumstance be patient. He is coming. The Lord understood the man’s frustrations. Even when the man did not know he was talking to the Saviour of the universe. He received his miracle. The Lord knows how long you have been in the waiting room. He knows you have grown tired; disillusioned; angry and bitter. Hang on just a little. He will come at the time you least expect and in the way you never thought. Wait for the Lord.

Listen to the Podcast:https://www.buzzsprout.com/814151/episodes/2507014-the-38-year-wait