Have You Prayed About it?


Is there something in your life that is troubling you? If yes, have you prayed about it? If not, pause just now and turn your eyes the Lord God and talk to your Father in heaven. If you have but nothing has happened, continue until it does. There are many reasons why you should take every opportunity to pray. The bible has some great examples of prayer, I share 5 of them below:

1. The Prayer of Jacob:

Jacob’s prayer was answered in the wonderful interview at Peniel, that resulted in his having such a mighty blessing, and in softening the heart of his brother Esau. He prayed, I will not let You go unless You bless me!—Genesis 32:26.The season of distress and anguish before us will require a faith that can endure weariness, delay, and hunger—a faith that will not faint though severely tried. When waves of despair which no language can express sweep over the suppliant, how few cling with unyielding faith to the promises of God.

2. The Prayer of Elijah:

Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. James 5:17, 18. The servant watched while Elijah prayed. Six times he returned from the watch, saying, There is nothing, no cloud, no sign of rain. But the prophet did not give up in discouragement. As he searched his heart it seemed to him that he was nothing, and that God was everything; and when he reached the point of renouncing self, while he clung to the Saviour as his only strength and righteousness, the answer came. 

3. Samson’s Prayer:

Samson’s prayer “And Samson called unto the Lord, and said, O Lord God, Remember me.” Judges 16:28. He was a restored backslider, and he had power with God. If those who have been backsliders will but return to God, they will see how quickly God will answer prayer. The contest, instead of being between Samson and the Philistines, was now between Jehovah and Dagon, and thus the Lord was moved to assert His almighty power and His supreme authority.

4. Daniel’s Prayer:

Daniel’s prayer “And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes: and I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confession. Daniel 9:3, 4. Daniel prayed to God, and Gabriel came to tell him that he was a man greatly beloved of God. Three times that message came to him from heaven in answer to prayer. The secrets of heaven were imparted to him, and he was told that God’s Son was going to be cut off for the sins of His people.

5. Paul & Silas Prayer:

At midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed. Acts 16:25, 26. Look at Paul and Silas in the prison at Philippi. With astonishment the other prisoners heard the sound of prayer and singing issuing from the inner prison. As they prayed and sang praises, the place was shaken, and the jailer was converted.

6. Jesus a man of Prayer:

And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. Mark 1:35. Jesus Himself, while He dwelt among men, was often in prayer. We read that Christ prayed to His Father for everything. Every great crisis in His life was preceded by prayer. Let me quote a few passages.


There are nine elements which are essential to true prayer. The first is Adoration; we must approach God as One far beyond our reach or sight. The next is Confession; sin must be put out of the way. Restitution is another; we have to make good the wrong, wherever possible. Thanksgiving is the next; we must be thankful for what God has done for us already. Then comes Forgiveness, and then Unity; and then for prayer, such as these things produce, there must be Faith. After all these, there must come Submission. While praying, we must be ready to accept the will of God.