10 Everyday Prayers for Young Adults

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The children of God are not left alone and defenseless. Prayer moves the arm of Omnipotence. Prayer has “subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire” –we shall know what it means when we hear the reports of the martyrs who died for their faith–“turneth to flight the armies of the aliens.” Heb. 11:33, 34. “In looking back upon the character of our prayers, if we do it honestly, we shall be filled with wonder that God has ever answered them” (Morning and Evening,

1. Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

 I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” Luke 24:49. If in faith you seek for a greater measure of God’s Spirit, you will be constantly taking it in and breathing it out. Daily you will receive a fresh supply.

2. A Deep Desire For God

“Desire is the kernel of prayer, and the vocal expressions which we call by the name of prayer are often but its shell. . . . Though you cannot always be speaking in prayer, you can always be desiring in prayer” (MTP 29:531).

3. Holiness

Holiness is essential to power in prayer: the life must knock while the lips ask and the heart seeks” (MTP 29:302).This is were we ask for forgiveness of every sin that separates us from God.

4. A Strengthened Faith

We ought not to tolerate for a minute the ghastly and grievous thought that God will not answer prayer.” “Lord, increase my faith.”

5. An Opening up of mysteries

“Prayer is the lever, the prise which forces open the iron chest of sacred mystery that we may get the treasure.” The things which pertain to the spiritual kingdom must be perceived by eyes of a spiritual sort, eyes opened by the Lord.

6. Wisdom

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7

7. Godly Relationships

A godly relationship will draw you closer to God.

8. Love for God’s word

Trust in the Scriptures as a source of authority.

9. A Life of Purpose

Find your purpose, be passionate in that purpose and reflect God’s goodness in the purpose.

10. Seek God in all choices

Commit thy way unto the LORD; Trust also in him; And he shall bring it to pass. Palms 37:5


Daniel (; 4 – 21. What a PRAYER was that which came forth from the lips of Daniel! What humbling of soul it reveals! The warmth of heavenly fire was recognized in the words that were going upward to God. Heaven responded to that PRAYER by sending its messenger to Daniel. In this our day, prayers offered in like manner will prevail with God. “The effectual fervent PRAYER of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16).

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