The Rippling Effect


Psychology today refers to Irvin Yalom in his book Staring at the Sun. “refers to the fact that each of us creates-—often without our conscious intent or knowledge—concentric circles of influence that may affect others for years, even generations.Psychology today refers to Irvin Yalom in his book Staring at the Sun. “refers to the fact that each of us creates-—often without our conscious intent or knowledge—concentric circles of influence that may affect others for years, even generations.

You Are Even Now Creating Ripples:

Are you aware that every choice you make right or wrong has a rippling effect on your family lineage? The bible has many jewels of truth relating to how one choice made in one place affects the same lineage several years later. Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned-

Your Spiritual Ripples:

We all have traces of both physical and spiritual features from our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. Its interesting that we do not only look alike but we also behave quite similarly. Our character traits are both inherited as well as learned. Psychology today dated 10th February, 2020 has this article “Family life is essentially a rehearsal for the next generation. Each generation is another piece in a long chain of life we inherit and pass on to our children.” We transmit to the next generation our traditions, our beliefs, our culture and our motivations, all of which can be positive or negative. The bible has great examples of how sometimes seemingly insignificant choices are passed down the chain into the next generation.


The father of faith Abraham first choice that had such a positive impact on him and on the generations that followed was his choice to hearken to God’s call on his life. This turned things around for him, his wife and the generations that followed. He began to develop a tradition of worship and obedience to God. Abraham was a very wealthy man, as God blessed him. Although he did love God and trusted in God above anyone else, the negative decisions he makes to lie that Sarah is his wife does begin to spin a negative pattern in the generations that came after him. The decision to lie with his hand maid start a pattern of bitterness, disobedience to God and rivalry.


Takes hold of the father’s faith in God. He too has a beautiful wife like his father and a fear that he can be killed because of it and goes ahead to lie like is father Abraham. Altars lifted up to worship, commemorate and call on God is a tradition learnt from his father. His wife is barren like is mother, but because of his prayers God opens her womb and gives her twins. Isaac was blessed with great wealth like his father. Deceit springs up again when Rebekah colluding with her son steal Esau’s birthright. There is conflict between Esau and Jacob like between Ishamael and Isaac. His wife dies before him and he buries her, similar to his father. At his burial his two sons come to bury him after reconciling just like his father before him.


In the third generation, the lies move to the immediate family, with Jacob and his mother Rebekah scheme to deceive Isaac to give the birthright reserved for Esau the first born son to Jacob. Jacob flees to his uncle Labans house and there meets Rachel the jaw dropping beauty. Tables turn and he is deceived by his father in law and given Leah “the one with the weak eye”,. He is very wealthy just like his father and grandfather before him. Both his wives are barren like the wives of his ancestors but God opens their wombs. Rivalry, hatred, bitterness threaten to break the family and this mature in the lives of the children when favoritism plays out. Jacob loses his two wives before him and buries them like his father and grandfather before him. Jacob’s name is changed to Israel and he wrestles with God his name is changed to Israel. He is buried by all his sons at Machpelah.


Thus Esau despised his birthright.” In disposing of it he felt a sense of relief. Now his way was unobstructed; he could do as he liked. Esau took two wives of the daughters of Heth. They were worshipers of false gods, and their idolatry was a bitter grief to Isaac and Rebekah. Esau had violated one of the conditions of the covenant, which forbade intermarriage between the chosen people and the heathen. The Edomites were descendants of Abraham and Isaac. For the sake of these His servants, God had given them Mount Seir for a possession.These are the descendants of Esau, the ancestor of the Edomites.


The ripple effect does move from one generation to another, every seemingly insignificant choice does recur in future generations in greater intensity. From today when you need to make a choice do not focus only on today but cast your eyes on the generations not yet born who will repeat the same patterns you have set in much larger scale. So I pray wisdom will prevail and that you will seek God’s guidance in all your decision big or small.

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