Can the Real Christians please stand up?


We are living in a masked world, and I am not only talking about the physical masks which all are required to wear everywhere. Currently with the facial masks the covering of the nose and mouth, faces become more difficult to recognize and decipher. Now partially hidden faces will obscure those features that we rely on to convey mood and emotion. In the world today we are all masked in one way or another. Masks serve as protection against an environment perceived as threatening and dangerous.


If I were to ask you today to describe, define, and depict a real Christian, what would your answer be? As of 2010, there were 2.2 billion Christians around the world, or about one-in-three (31%) people worldwide. This makes Christianity the world’s largest religion. The world’s Christian population is expected to grow to 2.9 billion in 2050. In Kenya today the majority of the country identifies as Christian (82.1% of the population).

Who is a Real Christian

Mathew 7:21-23 Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Are you a real christian? Here are 3 tests to confirm.

  • Test #1:The Belief Test – “Do you believe in Jesus Christ the son of God? John 3:16
  • Test #2: The Obedience Test. Belief in Jesus Christ brings a real change in life and behaviour. John 14:15
  • Test #3: The Love Test. Love one another. 1 John 4:7-8

The Mask Syndrome

Many put up a mask or use defenses that allow them to cope with daily life. Perception of oneself is questioned and one may struggle to understand life’s purpose. Simple daily routines become too difficult to get through. Many put up a mask or use defenses that allow them to cope with daily life. Perception of oneself is questioned and one may struggle to understand life’s purpose. Simple daily routines become too difficult to get through. Courage is required to begin a search for life’s meaning and uncover the myriad feelings that have been suppressed for decades. With proper support and therapy, one can slowly peel the mask away and learn to deal with suppressed emotions.

Peeling off the mask

Why do we fail to represent what we believe in. The number of confessed Christians should be able to change the world by their love for one another, revealed in their acts of kindness for humanity and each other. Unfortunately, the reality is very different be it in our institutions, our work places, our communities and in our neighbourhoods, the real christian is missing. This year I would like to ask all the real christians wherever they may be to stand up. Stand up and be counted, stand up and make a difference with time you will begin to influence your little corner of the world. Peel off your mask a layer at a time.

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