Can the Real Christians please stand up?


We are living in a masked world, and I am not only talking about the physical masks which all are required to wear everywhere. Currently with the facial masks the covering of the nose and mouth, faces become more difficult to recognize and decipher. Now partially hidden faces will obscure those features that we rely on to convey mood and emotion. In the world today we are all masked in one way or another. Masks serve as protection against an environment perceived as threatening and dangerous.


If I were to ask you today to describe, define, and depict a real Christian, what would your answer be? As of 2010, there were 2.2 billion Christians around the world, or about one-in-three (31%) people worldwide. This makes Christianity the world’s largest religion. The world’s Christian population is expected to grow to 2.9 billion in 2050. In Kenya today the majority of the country identifies as Christian (82.1% of the population).

Who is a Real Christian

Mathew 7:21-23 Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Are you a real christian? Here are 3 tests to confirm.

  • Test #1:The Belief Test – “Do you believe in Jesus Christ the son of God? John 3:16
  • Test #2: The Obedience Test. Belief in Jesus Christ brings a real change in life and behaviour. John 14:15
  • Test #3: The Love Test. Love one another. 1 John 4:7-8

The Mask Syndrome

Many put up a mask or use defenses that allow them to cope with daily life. Perception of oneself is questioned and one may struggle to understand life’s purpose. Simple daily routines become too difficult to get through. Many put up a mask or use defenses that allow them to cope with daily life. Perception of oneself is questioned and one may struggle to understand life’s purpose. Simple daily routines become too difficult to get through. Courage is required to begin a search for life’s meaning and uncover the myriad feelings that have been suppressed for decades. With proper support and therapy, one can slowly peel the mask away and learn to deal with suppressed emotions.

Peeling off the mask

Why do we fail to represent what we believe in. The number of confessed Christians should be able to change the world by their love for one another, revealed in their acts of kindness for humanity and each other. Unfortunately, the reality is very different be it in our institutions, our work places, our communities and in our neighbourhoods, the real christian is missing. This year I would like to ask all the real christians wherever they may be to stand up. Stand up and be counted, stand up and make a difference with time you will begin to influence your little corner of the world. Peel off your mask a layer at a time.

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Silence for the Start Please!


This is the last week of the month of New Year. I should have uploaded my first podcast already but I decided things would be done differently this year. Instead of running off with everyone else when the year kicked in, I found myself holding back at the starting line. I wondered where I was going anyway, what was the rat race all about anyway? What if i waited a little longer for my gun to go off? I hadn’t really had it go “bang”, so why was I about to run off? Here I am waiting.

On Your Marks

Before you run into the new year you should position yourself well. As the year begins did you take time to really consider how you would want to live out the new year? Ask God what He has planned for you, yes it is He who has the master plan and not you. James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. If you are honest you will admit that the many times you planned your life without asking things did not work out as you intended and more often than not you reached a dead end. I am asking for God to give me wisdom for the year 2021. In His wisdom I can bare all things the new year will bring. Here I am asking..

Get Set

This is the position where the athlete concentrates fully on the race ahead. Wait patiently. Being patient isn’t an easy task. Sometimes God will give you more than one good choice for your future, and it can be hard to tell which one He is drawing you towards. Waiting on God before you act or decide allows you time to think, pray and listen for the wisdom God has promised. Sometimes God delays His clear-cut answers to cultivate our trust in Him alone and not on our own wisdom. Sometimes God is waiting on us to catch up to His desires for us by letting go of what we think we want.Psalms 130:5 I wait [patiently] for the LORD, my soul [expectantly] waits, And in His word do I hope.


This is the most crucial time for any athlete. You have waited for the gun to go off, your ear is tuned to not only hear but to move at it sound. The most important element in this place is listening. Focus on the sound that will trigger the start of your journey this year. God works in mysterious ways. He won’t always scream out the answer loudly for you to hear. Instead, you have to actively listen for Him, watch out for signs and look for cues. Continue to study and pray, keeping an eye open for any insight from God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. Stay quiet and meditate in these moments so you can really hear God. Remember that God will never tell you to do something that is against His righteous character or contradictory to His Word. Ignore any voices you might be hearing from the enemy, that will try to lead you on a path away from God’s Will. God’s Word is powerful, and it has clear specifications about what God would and wouldn’t want us to do.


Revelation 21:5 ““I am making everything new!” It’s a new year. Behold all things past are now gone. Shake off all the negative effects of the old year. All bitterness, envy jealousy, anger, unforgiveness, hurt, pride, arrogance in this list include all negative emotions you have encountered in the past year. In this new year be willing to change because change is a constant in life.

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