Do You Know Your Family Tree? Find a record of your past and a window to your future


A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” —Marcus Garvey. Knowing our cultural background and where we came from can help us develop a strong sense of who we really are. Do you know your family tree? Have you taken time to create your family tree? If not why not start today. Your family tree dating back three generations will help you get a clear identity of who you are today and what the future holds for you. We will pull examples from the life of Jacob to bring to life the impact of learning your family tree.

Recurring Patterns:

Looking back real closely we see recurring patterns. You may be amazed to know that some of these patterns will recur in your life. When you look closely at the life of Jacob you will see patters. Jacobs grandmother was barren Genesis 17:16 then the Lord opened her womb, his mother Rebekah was also barren Genesis 25:21 before her husband prayed for her and God opened her womb. Finally both Leah and Rachel were barren before God opened their womb Genesis 29:31 . Let me share another pattern Jacobs grandmother died before his grandfather Genesis 23:2 , his mother died before his father although there is no bible record of the same but her burial ground is mentioned and finally Jacob outlived both Leah and Rachel but her burial is recorded. Patterns can replay – do you have patterns?

Self Worth:

Looking back into your history you may find great men and women. They could be men and women of integrity, hard-work, wisdom, generosity and compassion. The achievements of those in your family tree may bring with it a sense of pride and triumph. This does not mean there will not be those family members who will bring shame or despair. Jacob’s great grandfather was the father of many nations to whom God gave many promises which passed on to his children and grandchildren. Abraham’s relationship with God opened great blessing for Jacob. Stories of his fathers conquests, faithfulness to God and great wealth had a positive impact on Jacob. When see how Laban, Jacobs uncle (his mothers brother) is pleased to meet him and gives him a place to stay and work Genesis 29.


Sometimes our family tree paints grim pictures. Serious health problems, poverty, tragedies and abuse show up all through our families. This should only build in us resilience. Imagine how your family overcame all that to come this far! Jacob’s family tree was not all pretty. Remember Hagar and her son Ishmael Genesis 21:20. What of his uncle Lot and how his daughters got him drank and slept with him without his knowledge Genesis 19:30-38. Always remember Philippians 4:13 I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me.


A family tree is a road map to find someone’s heritage . If you look closely enough to the 2nd or 3rd generation you will find names of people who were “not so famous” and sometimes you will meet people who were really great characters. In Jacobs family tree you find his 12(twelve) sons that form the 12 tribes of Israel. His son Joseph was high ranking government official in Egypt. The Edomite tribe descended from his brother Esau and they destroyed Jeruasalem Psalms 137:7.


A family tree is an instrument to validate who someone is. When you look into the 2nd of 3rd generation of your family tree you will be able identify your values and beliefs as a family. You will see is dominant in your family and it will surprise you that you will find bits and pieces of the same in your own life. In Jacobs family tree we see deceit as one of the negative values. We find it in his Father Abraham lies twice that Sarah is his sister, his son Isaac in turn also lies that Rebekah is his sister. Jacob then lies to his father and gets his brothers birthright. Laban lies to him by giving him Leah instead of Rachel and then the greatest lie was to him by his sons that his beloved son Joseph had been killed by a wild animal.


A family tree is a gift that allows you to leave a mark in this world and to pass it down to the next generation. This is my favorite, you too will leave a mark on your family tree. The pen is in your hand what legacy will you leave. Jacob made his mark. He wrestled with the angel until day break and his name is changed, from Jacob(the deceiver) to Israel(triumphant with God). You can determine what mark you want to leave in your family tree. With prayer and alot of effort you will leave a positive mark for future generations.


Your roots are a record of who you are. Your family tree holds alot of insight on what is coming and what can be. There you go why not start researching on your family tree.

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Encountering Toxic Relationships Part 2

Are You in A Toxic Relationship?

Nicole Greene in her Blog Post dated October 22, 2017 says “ Every romantic relationship is different. But there’s one thing all should know doesn’t belong in a relationship: ABUSE, whether physical or emotional. Sometimes abuse is disguised as or confused with love. But it’s not. No one has the right to hurt you, control you, or make you feel afraid — even if they say they do it because they love you. “Toxic relationships can start in the home, the last place it should take place. When abuse is present in the home, parents are normally oblivious to its effects on the children. When one parent is abusive to another, it often spills to the children and has drastic long term effects on them. Be it physical abuse, emotional abuse, or even financial abuse it leaves its marks on the children in the home. When shopping around for someone to help me handle this topic i came across a real Jewel. She is a student in her final year at university, a Podcaster, a Writer , a Baker and a Mental Health Activist. She wears so many hats.

What helped her cope?

She found her voice in her writing and podcasting . Check it out “Through My Eyes” is a is a journey of life from her perspective. Her story about life, the wins, the fails and above all, what she sees as social injustices. She shares where those who have undergone trauma can get help and below is the list:

  • Green Strings Network – Link here help to restore hope to those who have gone through trauma;
  • The book “The body keeps the score by Bessel Van Der Kolk – check online for ebook
  • A song unexpected places by Heather Sorenson – available on YouTube

What to do when encountering toxic relationships?

The steps below can help you:

  • Get professional help;
  • Study the tactics and learn to be assertive;
  • Set healthy boundaries;
  • Build your self-worth and self-respect;
  • Start a Journal to keep your emotions in check;
  • Seek comfort, healing and wisdom from God;

Helping abused young people one bite at a time:

She has started a bakery called “The Muffin Hut”. All the money she gets from her sales she channels it to helping abused teenagers. Please support her mission by buying a cake or muffin as per details below.

Listen to the Podcast: