Allow me to quote one of my favourite writers ” Marriage is something that will influence and affect your life both in this world and in the world to come. A sincere Christian will not advance his plans in this direction without the knowledge that God approves his course. Great care should be taken by Christian youth in the formation of friendships and in the choice of companions. Take heed, lest what you now think to be pure gold turns out to be base metal. So today, for all those still waiting for Godly mates I have 7 things you need to do as you wait.


Prayer is an integral part of waiting. Commit your desire to the Lord. Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. All young people have a list of qualities they are looking for. If you are looking for a Godly mate, God needs to have a say. Remember, God sees the heart and you can only see the outside. Allow yourself to trust in the Lord Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Enjoin your friends and close acquaintances in your prayers.


In the time of waiting, its important to give God the most central place in your life. How else would God choose if He is not the centre of your life? Do not allow anything to push Him out of the place you have given Him. In life there are four important seasons. Your birth, your baptism, your marriage and your death. The first and last you have no control of, but the second and third are up to you. Marriage is an important step in your life, so take your time. What you may think is a delay now, when you look back at it in the future could be what you needed to get a clear mind on who God desired for you. So if there is anything you need to keep its definitely God at the centre of your life.


What can you not do when you are single? In my view we need to change our view on how we view singleness. The options are numerous on what you can do when you are single. You can that Masters Degree you have been keeping on hold. What of your decision to help change the lives of the less fortunate in your community? Mission in unreached areas is great idea. You only need to look around you to determine what you can do during the time of waiting. What if you enjoyed your family? Or even if you started an investment towards your future investment? You could start coaching or mentoring those in an area you are passionate about? What if are an artist, you could compose music, or even write plays or even movies that depict what your values are. Open up your mind to the reality of the numerous options available for you. Begin to breathe in the fresh air of your singleness and really start to live in the moment.


If you have never fasted a day in your life, this is the best time to start. When you deeply desire to get a Godly mate you need alot of divine help. This you can achieve when you regularly train yourself to deny yourself the things that hinder you from focusing on God. It could be by fasting from eating food for a few hours. Some even go for days with only water but again this depends on where you are in your christian journey. You may decide to go without delicacies, like chocolate or rich foods. Whichever way you take in fasting, its important to do it. Fast and commit this very important decision to God. There is a way that fasting just takes you into the presence of God. It gives you a clear mind and opens up the heavens when communicating in prayer with God.


The bible says Proverbs 4:23 ” Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Guarding your heart means for me that you first and foremost ask like David “create in me clean heart.” This old heart is full of envy, jealousy, bitter, unforgiving, pride, selfishness and the list is endless. The new heart can only be created by God alone. This takes time and is gradual. With a new heart, you give God the ability to guard, protect and shield our hearts through His word. This does not mean that you will not go through pain or heartache, but it means that when you go through God will be your rest and your refuge. Begin to study the bible, in it are the treasures of life. By beholding you become changed. The more you study the bible, the more you will understand who you are in Christ.


A good church is an oasis of hope for each of us. For each of us a good church will help you in your time of waiting. The fellowship you enjoy in a good church is nourishing to the soul. You find a place of rest in times of trouble when your anxieties get out of hand. A place to find Godly friends who will hold your hand through this waiting period. You will also find friends like yourself who are also in the “waiting room”. Messages of hope are important in your journey and in a good church you will find the tools to take you through the waiting room. In a good church God is the good shepherd. You can engage in service to the vulnerable in the community among many programs driven by the church help you utilize your time efficiently. You do not know if this will be the church where your future mate will come from! Go ahead find a good church and settle in it will equip you as you wait for your Godly mate.


This sounds funny right. Well if you are waiting for a Godly mate, you too need to get ready for when you will meet them. How do you get ready? Well there are so many things you need to put in order. My number one is discover yourself. Yah, for me when you are clear about the things that are important in your life, you will be starting the process of identifying your Godly mate. You should begin by determining the values that are important to you. Start by picking atleast four core values, these vary from belief in God, commitment, dependability and loyalty. There are many values, you only need to pick those that define what is important to you. Other areas you need to check is your confidence, your maturity, your financial and emotional stability and take responsibility for your life. One other important areas is for you to love yourself. Love everything about yourself both the good and the bad. If you do not love yourself who will?


Do not wait another minute. Go ahead and start making the best of your waiting room experience.

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