The Man in Adam: Gods Perspective

Father & son
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God as creator of man had mapped our man’s purpose. In this discourse we will look as man as male. God has a role in man’s creation that cannot be overlooked. What is man’s role as God intended? Well keep reading and lets discover what he intended man to be. In Genesis 1:26 -27 we find God beginning creation of man on day number 6 of creation.

God’s purposes:

In the creation story found in the book of Genesis 1:26 -30; we discover four purposes of man at creation namely:

  • Man is created to be a King or Leader;
  • His other purpose is to be a provider or Warrior;
  • The third intention is for man to be a mentor;
  • Man created as friend.

Absentee Fathers:

A statistics carried out by the US Census Bureau in 2017 revealed that 19.7 million children, i.e more than 1 in 4, live without a father in the home. Consequently, there is a father factor in nearly all social ills facing America today. Research shows that when a child is raised in a home where the father is absent, he/she can be affected in the following ways:

  • Four times greater risk of poverty;
  • Seven times more likely to become pregnant as a teen;
  • More probable to abuse drugs and alcohol;
  • They have more potential to commit crime;
  • More likely to have behavioral problems.

Davids advice to Solomon on his death bed:

In the book of 1 Kings 2:1-4, David is on his death bed. David tells his son Solomon, “So be strong, act like a man, and observe what the Lord your God requires: Walk in obedience to him, and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and regulations, as written in the Law of Moses. Do this so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go.

How can any man return to their original purpose?

If you are a man who feels you have not lived your life according what God intended. There is hope 2 Corinthians 5:17 in Christ one is a new creature. In Christ you can be made new, with a new opportunity to start a fresh. Its never too late.

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