The Bent Back. Healside’s Story.


Healside’s story is pegged on the fact that change in life is constant and inevitable. Change is according to Merriam-Webster dictionary is an intransitive verb meaning to become different or to undergo transformation, transition, or substitution . Healside is born out of the philosophy of “The Bent Back.” A quote from Martin Luther King Junior says “Change does not roll-in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.

Healside’s story:

Healside’s story is born out of real life struggles; many of us go through so many struggles each day. And now with Covid-19 there are many of us who have lost our loved ones; many who are unwell; several others who have lost their jobs and livelihood; others who have nowhere to call home and still many more who have no food to eat. These are real struggles that only those who are in these shoes can feel and experience.

My Journey:

My journey has had its ups and downs and in all seasons. I have had to have a straight back in order to go through it all. You are either going into a storm, in a storm or coming out of a storm – so the straightened back applies to all of us. Without God on my side I would have been consumed by the challenges I went through. He became my anchor, my rock and that unseen hand that lead me through life’s struggles. I am just coming out of a storm – as I lost a dear sister about a year ago – I have had to straighten one more time to get to where I am. I am sure this is not the last storm because as long as we are in this side of heaven we will go through challenges.

The bent back:

Now my back is bent – bent to carry any one who needs someone to help them better cope with their difficult seasons. My back is bent in Healside Podcast – which creates a platform to give that spiritual guidance in times of trouble. At the Healside we point to Jesus Christ. He alone will provide the strength and the power to hold you through even the darkest days of your life. Healside reaches out to partner with those who have bent backs to help other and those who need the bent backs to help them in their time of need.


I have 5 lessons that I have learnt shared on the Podcast. Kindly,listen and share. Reach out to us and let us know if you have a bent back or you need a bent back. Thanks God bless.

Listen to the Podcast:

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