The 38 Year Wait ……

Time is always ticking.


Waiting is not easy. If you have ever had to wait for something beyond you reach you know its a virtue that many do not have. But many times life has a way of pushing to you into the waiting room. Many of us do not like the waiting room experience. The experience is not for the faint hear-ted. Many times it all depends on how long you wait.

The Pool of Bethesda:

In John 5: 1- 9 we walk into the story of Jesus walking up to Jerusalem and are confronted with a large waiting room called Bethesda. It was crowded, with sick people with all kinds of sickness; all waiting for the moving of the water. Its funny how similar people always find each other. Think about the times you were going through very difficult times – who stuck with you; wasn’t it someone who had gone through a similar experience? For the sick at Bethesda they were all waiting for the “a certain time”. A time when an angel stirred up the water so that they could jump in and be made whole.

The Man’s sickness:

In this great multitude was a man (not named) who had been there 38 years! 38 Years is a lifetime for many of us. From verse 7 we deduce that this man was unable to move totally; and he had no man to put him in the pool. Lets pause here a little and imagine how the man got to 38 years. Being he couldn’t walk he was most probably brought there by friends or family. One person remained behind with him each day to ensure that when the angel stirred the water; he would push him into the water so he could be healed.


The man himself must have been so excited. He talked each day of the day he could walk and go back to his family. He dreamt of the joy of walking again; the freedom it gave, the dignity of taking care of himself and his loved ones again. This made his heart beat faster whenever he thought about his day of healing.

Time Past:

Days went by and the reality of how difficult it was to get into the pool first became a reality. Each time the water was stirred there was an obstacle that hindered him from getting in. Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months and finally to years. He watched many sick people get healed. His friends and family soon stopped coming, after realizing how hard it was to get the man into the pool. It needed time and patience which they did not have. In the years that flew passed his family and friends moved on with their lives. He often inquired about them from those who poured in daily with the hope of receiving their healing. The hope of getting healed was soon lost after the passing of many years. He became bitter and angry.

The dimming hope:

Even though he lay there at the pool of Bethesda still alive. He had died inside; of the hope of ever walking again. He had aged over the years. He had come young and full of energy but now his was thin and almost lifeless. Each day he relied on good Samaritans. Who shared with him the food they brought for their loved ones and rarely received any guests. He watched many sick people come to the porch with the same energy he had when he firs came. And he often pitied them – if only they knew how long he had been waiting.

The Savior sees him:

But the story takes another turn when Jesus comes to him. I like our Lord. The bible says in verse 6. “Jesus saw him lying there, and knew; that he already had been in that condition a long time.” I loved this verse. The Lord knew his circumstance and understood his frustrations. An our Lord came to Jerusalem passing through Bethesda for only him. He came for this one man in the multitude of the sick at the pool of Bethesda. When the man had given up depending on himself and depending on men; when he had given up hoping on all help – the Lord came.


Whatever your waiting room experience is today. No matter how long it has taken in the waiting room. The Lord knows your circumstance be patient. He is coming. The Lord understood the man’s frustrations. Even when the man did not know he was talking to the Saviour of the universe. He received his miracle. The Lord knows how long you have been in the waiting room. He knows you have grown tired; disillusioned; angry and bitter. Hang on just a little. He will come at the time you least expect and in the way you never thought. Wait for the Lord.

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